Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Party

Hey Family,

 It has been another tough week.

 About a week ago, we received a new way to plan for our lessons from the Zone leaders.  We have been trying to plan all of our lessons this way, but it is taking up so much time.  It now takes roughly 2 1/2 hours to plan for one lesson and we had 5 lessons last week.  I, also, haven`t been able to exercise for the last couple of days, due to the Sabbath and a couple of typhoons ripping through.  It just seems like I am stuck inside, because I am unable to exercise outside, then we study for 3 hours, have lunch, then plan for a lesson for 2 and 1/2 hours.  By the time we are done with all of that, then it is like 3:00 and we still haven`t done anything for the day. Frustrating.

We mostly have just been having lessons with K. Kyodai.  He is a really interesting guy.  I won`t tell you everything, but in our last lesson, we had a church member with us, A. Kyodai, and we were explaining about 3 Nephi 17.  All of sudden he, K. Kyodai, got really agitated.  He was rocking back and forth looking really angry.  I genuinely thought that he was going to punch the church member right in the face during the middle of the lesson.  When we asked him what was wrong, he told us that he thought that the translation for a certain word was wrong and the wrong word for 'mercy' was used in a passage.  He continued to become more and more agitated until we had to share with him a scripture about contention being of the devil before he calmed down a little bit.  It was silly that he got so worked up, but I am grateful that he didn`t punch the church member in the face.

Well, I hope that everyone had a great time at Disneyland it sounds like it was really fun and I hope that you had a great birthday, Elizabeth!  I really miss the nice California weather.  It has been getting really cold here in Japan lately and I have had to bust out my winter gear a little bit.  I am sure that it is going to get freezing soon, though.  I want Elizabeth to know that it was getting so cold last week that I had to break down and buy a scarf and I have worn it a couple of times since then.

Madisen, are you really liking Hello Kitty stuff?  Hello Kitty is kinda like the 'Wheres Waldo"  of Japan.  No matter where you look while walking around, if you look hard enough there is probably something Hello Kitty related close by.  You have to look hard though or else you won`t be able to see it.  I hope that work for you and Vic will ease up in a little bit, but until then take care.  By the way, I don`t care if you are boring, I just love to hear from my Big Sis.

The best part of this week, though, was probably when we went to a Halloween Party put on by the ward.  It was really fun and I wore a great costume.  I just picked up a 100 Yen costume mask at a Daiso and the costume was a mask of a Duck.  I will let you see the pictures, but I was a Duck, Elder Steers was a Chicken, Elder Rasmusen was a Monkey, and Elder Brader was a Phantom.  It was pretty fun and they had a couple of games too.  They even had a Pokemon game that I played.  We played a hide and seek game with all the little kids too.  We had to find a hiding spot and if the little kids found us, we had to play Jon Kenpo with them for them to win candy.  To conclude the night, the little kids got to smash some pinatas with candy in them.  If even one little piece of candy fell out of the pinata, then every single little kid, all 30 of them, would dive to the middle of the circle where the person hitting the pinata was at.  I just felt a little bad for Elder Steers because he had to coordinate with a bunch of hyped up kids on sugar swinging a big stick around!

Thank you for sending package, by the way.  It was really nice to get some American candy and some more stuff.  I think that for P-Day today, myself and Elder Steers are going to go and do some more shopping while Elder Brader and Elder Rasmusen are going to Costco and poking around in there.  I hope that we can find something really cool in a Recycle Shop.  I don`t know if I have told you or not, but Recycle Shops are one of the best things in Japan.  It is like a Pawn Shop almost, but way cheaper, more fun, crazier, and Asian like.  You would have to step inside of one to understand.  They are really fun, but sometimes you have to be careful.

Everyone has been asking me how I am doing and the answer is the same -still not so good.  The vivid dreams have almost passed away - I think that I am really close for them being over.  I am just trying to do my best to keep going through this day.  Aunt Pat sent me a poem that I keep reading over and over again, though.  The poem is Milton`s Blindness.  The final line always strikes me, `They also serve who only stand and wait.`  That is only what I can try and do, stand and wait.  I can`t really handle doing too much else, so I am pushing myself to try and stand and wait.  Standing and waiting goes against how I have lived my life thus far, but I am trying.

I love you all and everything that you have been sending me.  Please continue to write the great emails.  I will talk to you all again next week.


Elder Klein

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