Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Taking off the cape....

Dear Blog Readers,

    It's me again.  Sorry that I missed posting last week.  Honestly, it was so emotionally raw that there was little that I could pick out of Kolton's email  that would be ok for me to publically post.
      First of all, I want to thank all the family members that have reached out to us on Kolton's behalf.  It is nice to know that he has support.  Unfortunately, all missions (and life, in general) don't go the way that we have come to expect.  We have appreciated all of the tearful conversations that we have had with many of you in the last two weeks.  Thank you.

    Here is the latest update.  Kolton has been transferred to Hirakata, which is just outside of Osaka, Japan's second largest city.  He has received a new companion, which was essential to Kolton's well being. He is living in the old Osaka mission home with his companion and another companionship, which consists of Elder Steers - one of Kolton's roommates in the MTC.  His new companion, Elder Rasmusen, has been handpicked by his mission president, so we know that he will be a good match for the problems that Kolton has been having.

    Kolton was able to receive some medication and it has helped him with the physical aspects of depression but hasn't received much relief from the depression, itself.  He committed that he would stay through last weeks transfer, in an effort to allow the medicine time to work and, also, to possibly receive a companion that could help him through this. He must feel very safe with Elder Rasmusen because he has, now, said that he is going to try to get through this next six weeks. At this point, he is just kicking the rock down the road and willing himself to make it to that point.

    This is nothing short of miraculous -  we thought that we would have a kid coming home this week.  Actually, most of the aspects of this whole experience have been miraculous.  Having a mission president that has been pro-active and attentive has been a miracle.  Getting any kind of medicine in Japan has been a miracle.  My sister being able to get permission to do therapy over the phone twice a week has been a miracle. Getting a companion that is willing to take a sick kid under his wing is a miracle.  But, the biggest miracle has been Kolton, digging so deep and be willing to work so hard to try to get better while the depression is constantly screaming at him to just go home to get better.  He said this past week, in a therapy session with Pat, that he has to take off his cape.  Kolton has always been an overachiever.  He has done things that required so much work and effort that few people were willing to attempt it. This has been a blessing in the past, but it is his curse now. He feels that he now has to, in order to get better, lower his expectations of himself. To be average. To take of his superhero cape...but, truly, in my eyes, he has never been more of a hero.

    Before I post this, I need to thank my sister for putting my son at the forefront of her life.  She had the skills and training to help him when no one else did.  Kolton loves her and trusts her and, we knew, if anyone could help him, Pat could. So, thank you, sis.

    Kolton is not out of the woods, yet.  He has a lot to overcome and it still may not be possible to treat this fully while he is on a mission.  But, he is definitely on a good path with many good people helping him.  Please keep him in your prayers -they are working.  We love and appreciate you and your concern for our boy.

Love, Jillyn

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