Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We got ourselves a stalker...

Hi Family,

Guess what I get to do today?  That's right, we had to schedule 3 lessons today, right in the middle of our P-Day.  So, that is what I get to do all day today.  The only P-Day normal thing that I guess that I am allowed to do today is email you.

Last P-Day, me and Elder Steers went to some recycle shops to find some kimono belts so that we can make scripture cover cases for our scriptures.  It was good and I actually spent a good chunk of my P-Day sewing my scripture cover case by hand.  I think that it actually looks pretty good!

Last week, we also had Zone Training Meetings and Interviews with the Mission President.  To be honest, I wasn`t really paying attention on what was being said during Zone Training because my mind was too focused on what I was going to be talking to Zinke kaicho about.  So, I went in and we basically talked about where my stance is about staying or going, if I am still talking to Aunt Pat, and how he can help.  We talked for a little bit, I guess about 15-20 minutes, and it was good.  I guess that Zinke kaicho told Zinke shimai about what I am going through because she seemed to give me extra special love and attention when they were there.

Last week, we couldn`t really meet with anyone except for M. Shimai, who is our furthest progressing investigator.  We finished teaching her about the plan of salvation and then we watched the movie finding faith in Christ.  It was good, but her baby and the baby of the member present were screaming all throughout the movie, so I don`t know if she got the most important bits out of it.

We have just basically been sitting on our butts all this week planning lessons.  I hate planning with a passion.  I wouldn`t mind it if we planned a lesson here and there, but we are planning one lesson right after another with each lesson taking 1-1 and half hours long to plan and to practice.  The thing that is slowing us down is that it seems that we never have enough paper work to do.  I swear that there is a form to fill out for everything.  It is getting out of control, every zone training meeting we get another form that we have to fill out before we teach someone which just adds to the planning time.  Uhh...

On Friday, we had something very interesting happen.  So, the Zone leaders told us about someone who was stalking them for about 2 days around the church and their apartment.  It was some crazy women who was completely out of her mind.  Harmless, but stalking them none the less.  Guess who showed up on the Hirakata church on Friday?  Yep, the stalker lady.  We first heard her when we were, of course, planning lessons.  We heard a women`s voice outside in the parking lot and Elder Rasmusen asks me if I think someone is outside of our apartment.  I told him yes but that it was only the girls that come to play on our basketball hoop that we have set up outside.  Anyways, we continue our planning until we have to head over to the church to make some photocopies of our lesson paperwork.  We saw her sitting down in front of the church talking quite loudly to herself...with plants (that seemed to have come out of nowhere) circling her with umbrellas barring the church door behind her.  We asked if she was okay and then she said something about the Abeno church, where the zone leaders are.  At that point we thought, "Oh crap, it's her".  We quickly went inside of the church to make photocopies and locked the door right behind us.  We called the Zone leaders to make sure that it was who we thought it was.  The Zone leaders told us "yes, it is her" and at that point the 2 other missionaries showed up and started talking to her with us.  After debating for some time, the 3 other missionaries thought that they needed to cast out evil spirits from her because she is totally out of her mind.  I wanted no part in `casting out evil spirits` so I told them that I would not participate.  They tried to give her the blessing but she kept refusing and after a while we left her alone.  The other 2 missionaries went in to the church to teach a lesson and we went back to planning.  So, we all locked our doors while she wandered around outside for 5 hours.  She finally left, though, when we were heading down to the train station and she followed us down there.  I think that she is gone now, probably to another area`s church, but you never know...  So, I got to deal with a stalker this week.

 I am sending you some pictures of the Halloween party last week.  Sorry I forgot to attach them.

I have no idea what they are playing.  Notice the phantom mask in the background (elder broder) and the top of the chicken head (elder steers) - I assume elder rasmusen took the picture.  Those are some cute little kids.  Kolton is so good with little kids - it comes from teaching the Little Ninja's in karate.

All right, well, I don`t have much time until I have to go teach another lesson, so I hope that you all take care.  If you have any questions on how the depression is going, please talk to Aunt Pat.



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