Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Little kids, Final Fantasy, and Being Tall

Happy Face. I know that he is still struggling but he does look better.

Hi Family,

So, it has been another week and it has passed by really slow.  From the sounds of your letters, you know from Aunt Pat that I haven`t been sleeping very well.  It is just lately that I have very vivid nightmares at night that have been sticking to me like a plague for the last week.  I haven`t been able to get a decent amount of sleep for the last week, so I am always tired.  I think that I will ask for a priesthood blessing tonight to help me sleep better.  But, the talks with Aunt Pat have helped.  She really is nice and kind and it is great to hear a voice of help and reason.  You are just surrounded by missionaries all the time, so it is hard to keep being you.  It is a weird thing, but the longer you have been a missionary, the more people try to stuff into your head that THIS is what you need to be thinking like, what kind of person you need to be, and anything else is not ok.  

But, as for interesting things that have happened this week, we had the chance to sing to a bunch of little kids.  So, one of the church members around here, named A. Shimai, who is from America, teaches at a Preschool where the children learn in a pure English environment.  Halloween is around the corner and they were planning a party for the little kids.  So, as part of their party, they invited us to do a little performance for the little kids, namely, singing.  So, we practiced like 10 minutes beforehand, then, with only our voices and a little ukulele in tow, we went into the school to sing.  I don`t know how A. Shimai can put up with it all day, the kids were so excited to see huge Gaijin in their little school.  They all sat around us with the four of us missionaries in the front of the play room.  We sang Keep the Commandments, Popcorn Popping, Walk in the Light, and I am a Child of God.  All the workers and little kids were clapping and giggling while we were singing, though. Then, they asked for us to get a picture with the little kids - which was a crazy idea since about 40 little kids just ran to get a picture with us!  I really want to get that picture from A. Shimai as soon as possible so I can send it to you.

Well, I also had the opportunity to find a really cool guy this week to teach.  His name is H. Kyodai.  He looks, as Steers choro puts it, straight out of Final Fantasy.  He really is cool though, he is a programming major at a local tech school.  We gave him a church tour in which he told us that he felt something really special when we prayed right in front of the baptismal font.  Right after, he said that we wanted to be baptized.  It was really fun and I can`t wait to meet him again on Tuesday for our 3rd lesson with him.

We also had Zone Training this week.  It was ok, but I think that I like my last Zone better.  I don`t know if I have told you but up in Hirakata, we are our own District.  Yes, just the four of us.  I have yet to experience a District meeting but what would we do in ways of announcements?  We tell each other everything anyway.  But, it seems like we are in a very weird situation.  We are in our own District with the four of us and we are part of the Osaka zone, even though we are smack dab in the middle of the Osaka North zone.  It makes no sense, but that is missionary work for you.  Anyways, we had Zone Training this week and I had the opportunity to meet some of the other missionaries in our zone.  I have to tell you of a story of an elder.  So, I was talking to the zone leaders and they told me that I was a really big guy and asked how tall I am.  I responded that I was 6`4`` and this one Elder, who was standing a little bit away, got really annoyed that I said that.  He was really tall and lanky kind of guy and he said that there was no way that I was 6'4 because he was TOTALLY taller than I was and he was only 6'3.  At this point, I am leaning on a wall and kind of slouching.  He needed to prove that he was taller than me so he asked me to stand back to back.  I stood up back to back and stood up straight.  Everyone said that I was at least an inch taller than him and then he got really annoyed and wouldn`t talk to me for the rest of the zone training.  I don`t know why I felt I needed to share that but I thought it was pretty Omoshiroii.

  Halloween is also coming up.  Halloween isn`t a big deal here in Japan, only the stores use Halloween stuff so that they can increase their sales, but that is about it.  Our ward, though, is having a Halloween party this week and it should be really fun.  We having been inviting everyone we have been meeting to come to it and it will be really cool.

As for stuff that needs to be sent over to me in Japan.  I think that I am pretty good, maybe put a little bit of money in my bank account, instead, so I can buy cool things over here.  There is a lot of cool and wacky stuff that you can buy here in Japan.

As for the pictures of me, I will try and work on that.  I have been going through my pictures and have realized that I don`t have a lot of pictures with me in them.  I will send you a picture today of me last P-Day and the last time I taught Eikaiwa (English class) in Otsu.  

Well, I think that is about it.  We wanted to go to a place called Nara today for P-Day, but we didn`t get permission to go.  We will try again next week, but I think that instead we will go shopping for some stuff.  I need to buy a nice scarf and sock-tie today and well as a G-Shock.  I don`t know if you know this, but every Kobe missionary needs to have a G-Shock and a sock-tie.  It is part of the rules.  It is starting to get cold as well.  Starting next week, it is suit season for Elders and we have to wear a suit all the time, dang.  

I want to let you all know that I extremely appreciate your loving words of support.  I am trying to get through each day one step at a time.  Keep sending the encouraging words of support, I really do need them right now.  I am trying to send you positive things instead of negative things in my emails, because I think that you hear enough about it from Aunt Pat.  Keep sending great emails and pictures.


Elder Klein

English Class in Otsu.
Taken the first part of October.

Because I am an unrepentant blogstalker, I found this  picture of Kolton on a sister missionary's blog,
(she was in Kolton's last district (Otsu))  It was taken the the first week in October, I believe.  So stinkin' cute.
Dang. I love that kid.

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