Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Love House

こんにちは (Konnichi wa)!

Hey family, how is it going?  I hope that you all are well and happy.

So, this past week sure has been an interesting one.  I have to tell you that we saw the woman with the mental condition last P-day and we haven`t seen her since.  I think she is gone now for good, I think, but I feel so sorry for her.  She is clearly out of her mind, but she gave us all a fright last P-Day when she tried to get into our apartment by pulling on the door (luckily, we had it locked). After that, she decided to barricade us into our apartment by using umbrellas and splashing water underneath our door.  I feel so bad for her...

Other than that, my last P-Day was all filled with lessons with investigators, uh...  We tried to go to Nara (a place I really want to go to where you can touch magical deer, I am not kidding, Google it) but since the Zone leaders needed to come by for our signature on a baptismal interview record and because they were late and because the two other missionaries in Hirakata spent three hours emailing, we aren't able to go again this week.  I really hope that if no one gets transferred next week, then we can finally go.  But, I have no idea what we are going to be doing today, so we will see what happens.

So, last week, again, was very interesting.  On Tuesday, we got to go with an investigator of the other two missionaries to lunch.  We got to eat terrible tasting sushi along with Mugichan (tea), so suffice it to say that it wasn't the best lunch ever.  We did, however, get to meet the investigator`s Catholic friend who was super nice.  We got to go to a place called 愛の家 (Ai no ie) which means `The House of Love` with them.  When we saw the sign, Elder Rasmusen started to get a little freaked out.  I think that he thought that it was a Love Hotel (which for some reason are very abundant here in Hirakata).  After a little bit of work, we convinced Elder Rasmusen to go up with us with the investigator and his friend to check it out.  Much to Elder Rasmusen`s relief `The House of Love` isn't a Love Hotel, but rather a Old Folks gathering hot spot.  It was kinda like a cafe with only old people in it.  We kept hearing `かこいね!(Kakoi ne)` which means handsome/cool a lot from the old people when 4 big Gaijins walk in wearing suits with 2 little old Japanese people.  The cafe was pretty cool, it even had a miniature golf course on the roof and a smoked filled room in the back with old Japanese men playing Majong.  After we told them that we couldn't stay very long, we were escorted out by the investigator`s friend.  Then, before I even knew it, she stuffed 2000¥into my hand before we were about to leave.  After a bit of effort, we managed to explain to her that, as missionaries, we cannot accept money.

After that we headed to Abeno, in Osaka, for a baptismal interview for the Zone Leaders investigator. When we got there, we found out that she wasn`t even home and that her and her husband were out of town and wouldn't be back until the next day.  So, we had to return to Abeno the next day, as well, for an interview with her, which she passed - which is great.  By the way, Abeno is 1 hour away from Hirakata by Train and costs 1500¥ round trip each time.

On Friday, Elder Rasmusen interviewed the investigator from before (The House of Love one) for a baptism which he passed with flying colors!  To celebrate, we went to grab some food at a restaurant and then an ice cream cone at McDonalds.  I don`t like McDonalds food, but something caught my eye at the McDonalds stand.  I saw a Pokemon 2014 Calender being sold at the McDonalds and it was only 350¥!  How could I pass by this opportunity?  So, yes, I bought a Pokemon 2014 calender which I am very proud of.  Heck, they gave me so many free item slips along with it that it basically pays for itself.

I also got to go on companion exchanges with Elder Broeder last Saturday.  It was interesting, to say the least and I think that we really didn't get anything accomplished.  This week, I get to go on two companion exchanges, one with Steers choro and another one with one of the zone leaders.  The joys of being a district leaders companion.

We held the baptismal service for the investigator yesterday and it was good.  We scheduled his baptism for 1 hour before sacrament meeting, but he was 20 minutes late for his own baptism and, because he is such an old man, he couldn't change fast enough for us to finish the program before sacrament meeting started.  At least, he got all the important parts down though - the baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the confirmation.  Yesterday, was also the primary program which was interesting, to say the least.  Children screaming, kids punching each other while on the stand, and out of tune singing were all part of the fun.

I also need to talk to Elizabeth about something.  So, we are teaching these two teenage girls, one is 17 and the other is 14.  I talked to our investigator, the 14 year old, a little bit about you.  I told her that you are also 14 and that you, like her, love volleyball.  I talked with her about it and she thinks that it would be really cool if you got to be pen pals.  I said that I would ask you what you think about it and see if you would like to do it.  The investigator loves English and really wants to go to America some day, so don`t worry about writing or typing a letter in Japanese, although you could learn a little bit of Japanese from her for me.  She also is having a little bit of a rough time in her life.  I can`t tell you everything, but suffice it to say that she needs some really good friends with good standards that she can talk to.    Please tell me if you are interested in having a pen pal from Japan ok?

Well I think that is about it.  I love you all!


Elder.... ok...

With Much Love,

Elder Klein

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