Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am neither Japanese nor a girl...

Hi Family,

Last P-Day was spent all inside our church`s Family History computers.  Elder Rasmusen had to write all of his papers for his BYU application, so I just got to sit around in the computer lab for my entire P-Day. Really boring.  This P-Day isn`t going to be any better.  We have to now go settle something with Elder Rasmusen`s Alien Card in Kobe.  I don`t want to get into all the hows and whys, but I get to spend my P-Day riding trains and visiting City Halls.  I really hope that this will be the end of this streak of running around and doing nothing fun on P-Day.

You wanted to know what part of Canada Elder Rasmusen is from.  He is from British Columbia and lives in a small town near Vancouver.

It is starting to get really cold here in Japan.  As soon as the sun goes down, it starts to get freezing.  The actual temperature isn`t that cold, but because of the humidity everything just seems really cold.  No rain, no snow, just really cold.

 I can`t remember anything special that happened last Tuesday.  But last Wednesday, we got to teach the two young-women.  It was pretty good and I think Yuna enjoyed it a lot because we taught an overview of the Plan of Salvation, and she has thought about some of the questions that tie into the plan of salvation.  All and all, it was a good lesson.  After the lesson, I gave Yuna your email address, Elizabeth, so I would expect that she will write to you soon. If not I will give you her email address so that you can write to her first.  I also took a picture with them so that you can see who you are writing to.  Yuna is the one in the middle and her friend is the one on the right.  Apparently what Japanese teenage girls love to do when taking pictures now is to hide their faces and hold up two peace signs.  I don`t get it at all, but then again I am neither Japanese nor a girl so...  Wednesday was also the last day of Elder Steers being in Hirakata.  I am sad to see him go, he was a really good guy and I will miss his sense of humor.

So, on Thursday we got another Elder in the Hirakata District.  His name is Elder Fuchiguchi (I think, I keep on messing up his name).  He is from Hawaii and is half Japanese and half American.  I really don`t know to much about him to be honest.

We also got to go 'House Hunting' on Thursday.  We have this potential investigator who is a realtor who works in a model home for Panasonic (Yeah, Panasonic the electronic company, I did not know that they made houses now...).  We got to go through the house tour with her and see all the ins and outs of a modern Japanese home.  It was pretty cool and really big, I thought, for a Japanese home.  It has all the features one expects from a Panasonic home: two kitchens, run entirely off of solar energy in case a nuclear disaster happens (I had to use my electronic dictionary a lot when she was describing it. I don`t usually use words like 'Nuclear Radiation' when dealing with investigators), and has a bathroom in which the toilet flips open as soon as you open the bathroom door.

The rest of the week passed by normally.

I am really happy that you all are enjoying yourselves.  It sounds like Vic is having fun with his new RC car and Elizabeth is enjoying the Hunger Games Movie.  I think that dad is really rocking his new suit, you look way nice.  Mom, I hope that moving all the Christmas stuff goes well; I think that you will make it all look very nice in the store.  Madisen, I hope that everything is going to get better at work, especially with training a new employee.

Well, about the Christmas presents.  I really don`t know when I will be able to buy them here in Japan, most likely in a couple of weeks.  So I am really sorry, I won`t be able to get them there in time for Christmas, but I will try my very best to get them there as soon as possible.

About the sushi bar, it was actually one of the conveyor belt ones.  What happens is that you have a conveyor belt pass by every booth with random sushi that you may want.  You can pick the plates up whenever and start eating and your total cost will be however plates of sushi you ate at the end of your meal.  You also have an electronic menu where you can order specific sushi that you want and they send it straight to you on a second conveyor belt that is exactly over the first.  If you eat 5 plates, you get to slide them into a bin and play a little game on the electronic menu.  It plays a little video and you watch and see if you win or not, if you win - you receive a little prize.  I won one last time and I got a spinning top.

Well I don`t what else to talk about, so I think that I will just leave it here.  I love you all,


Elder Klein

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