Monday, December 9, 2013

Where's Kobe, apparently!

(Sorry!  I didn't have the chance to post Kolton's letter last week, so it is a week late.  Whoops.)

Hey Family,

Sorry, I actually don`t have a lot of time right now.  I guess that today (with fingers crossed) we will actually be able to go to Nara.  Needless to say, with this much waiting and anticipation, my expectations of the place are pretty high.  I just hope that we don`t get lost along the way because Elder Rasmusen has never been to Nara either.  I just hope that we don`t get stuck riding on trains all day trying to find our way to and from Nara.  Again, fingers crossed.

Yeah, so last Preparation Day, we went to Kobe because there was something wacky going on with Elder Rasmusen`s Japanese National Health Care Card, so we had to go and figure that out on Monday.  It was pretty miserable because it was absolutely pouring by the time we stepped off at our stop.  We ended up, like my prediction said, spending the entire time running around inside of City Halls and traveling inside of trains.  I did manage to find a copy of Where`s Waldo for kids inside of the Kobe City Hall, I couldn`t resist picking it up while Elder Rasmusen was doing his things.

This week, we have been having a lot of trouble with all of our appointments falling through.  We didn`t have a lesson with the Teenage Girls because they canceled and we didn`t have a lesson with M. Shimai because none of the members that we called showed up (we need at least 1 male member or 2 more female members to do a lesson with a girl).  So, we just ended up talking in the Genkan (Entrance way) of the church while we waited for the members to arrive (which they didn`t).  We talked a lot and we got to all smile at M. Shimais little boy T. Kun while he was crawling to and from people.  He started playing with my G-Shock half way through talking with M. Shimai and he ended up slobbering all over it.  I love kids though, so it is okay.

We actually had Zone Conference last Friday and we heard from Zinke kaicho.  He really is a great man.  We talked a lot about different things and it was all pretty good, there was some comments from the peanut gallery (the other missionaries) that I really didn`t agree with, but other than that...

I also had the chance to talk with Zinke kaicho after the zone conference about where I am now that I finished my goal of staying for one more transfer.  We talked a lot and I won`t mention everything that we talked about because, like I have said before, I want to try and make these emails as uplifting as possible.  If you want to know anything about what we talked about you can ask Aunt Pat or you can tell me what you want to know in your next letter to me.

On Sunday, after church we got to go help S. Kyodai (a mentally disabled member) move out of his apartment into another house.  It was really hard since he didn`t pack up anything for us and we were all exhausted because we haven`t eaten anything because of fast Sunday.  We eventually got everything moved out, though.  I think the Bishop was really happy that I was there because we needed to move his fridge and I was the only one there who was really, umm... able to move the fridge.

Well, I am really grateful for all your letters that you sent me this week.  I loved hearing about how Dad`s talk went, Elizabeth chilling on Thanksgiving weekend, the Black Friday madness that you all had to go through, and about Thanksgiving.  It is always nice to hear about what is going on at home.  I hope that everything went ok with the mail lady mom.  Customs can certainly be a pain to deal with.

Well, I think I need to start finishing everything up.  So, I love all of you and I will write again next week!


Elder Klein

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