Monday, May 20, 2013

Kolton's first email home

Hi family!
This has been one crazy week indeed.  Well after you dropped me off at the MTC I had my "guide" walk me around the place, get my name tag, etc.  Except he didn't help get me everything and I realized that everyone had a blue bag that I was missing.  Anyways I continued to be guided around the MTC and I was able to place my stuff in my room and then I was herded away to my classroom where I will be spending most of my free time.  There I met my companion, Elder Baldwin.  Elder Baldwin is a really nice guy, quiet at times but I think that I prefer it that way, and he is one heck of an athlete, he did over 600 push-ups yesterday!  Our Sensei was there and never spoke a lick of English the entire time we were there.  We had to say what our name is, where we are from, how many people are in our family, etc. 
Then we were escorted to lunch.  Man the MTC is chalk full of food!!    We were escorted to our first learning experience at the MTC.  We had to observe two missionaries as they were teaching 3 different investigators and write down information about each investigator and what they might need to hear in their lives.  It was a great experience.  By this time, I was really tired and wanted to hit the hay, but our Zone Leaders can by and gave the crash course on the MTC.  One of the Zone leaders is American, the other Swedish, and the other Austrailian.
I went to bed really tired and didn't sleep very well.  We woke up the next morning and went through the tight schedule that they have set for us.  After the day was almost over we went to the Branch meeting where we meet our Branch presidency, told our branch a little about ourselves, and had an interview with one of the branch presidency.  Dad, I'll let you know that two of branch presidents knew Grandpa Klein and asked if I was his grandson, even one of the branch presidency gave the closing prayer at Grandpa's Funeral!  This turns out to be a terrible mistake because.... THEY NAMED ME DISTRICT LEADER!
If that wasn't enough, with only two days of language study behind us the presidency thinks that we should be able to teach a lesson to an investigator, in JAPANESE.  So me and Elder Baldwin had to go into this meeting and talk to a native Japanese speaker who wasn't allowed to speak or understand any English and we had to teach him that God exists and that he is our heavenly father and that he loves us.  It went ok, but I could have done much better.
Please send your prayers because I am really struggling here.  They expect me to know too much without enough study.    I am just under too much stress at once.
Anyways, enough of the sad talk.  Today is my P-Day and we get to do laundry, relax (a bit), and go to the temple.  I really look forward to the temple where I can leave my troubling thoughts at the door.
I hope everything is going ok and that you guys are doing fine.  I heard that you guys test drove a new car, that's exciting!
Tell everyone that I love them.  You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
With Love,
Klein-choro (Elder Klein)
P.S. Sorry I didn't send any pictures this week, I promise that I will send you some next week!

Hi family!
Turns out that I have more time on the computer than I thought I did!  So Hurray!
Now that I have a little more time I can talk to you about my companion and roomates.
So as you know Elder Baldwin is my companion.  He from Rexburg, Idaho and can do about 1000 push-ups a day, it's insane!  He is somewhat quiet and he is laid back, which I like.  He knows when it is time to talk and when it is time not to.  He understands the importance of having time to think.  So that's great.  I know that Elder Baldwin is 18 and straight from High School!  He graduated early and his class hasn't even walked yet so he has been looking forward to his mission for the last 5 months!  He is a big BYU fan and wants to play BYU football when he gets back.  He is also my Senior Companion and I am the DL so it is weird how that woks.
Elder McCarty is one of my other roomates.  He studied Mechanical Engineering at BYU but he thinks that he will switch majors once he gets back from his mission.  He loves to sing and hang out with his companion Elder Steers.  He is really quiet at some times and out right talkative at others so that is interesting.
Elder Steers is my last roomate.  He is from California, but he has lived all around the world.  He has lived in Germany for instance.  He can speak English, Spainsh, German, and now Japanese.  He is one talkative guy and always has something to say.    He loves rugby and boxing.  It is quite amazing how fast he can pick up a language!
In other news, my sensei just walked in and explained to us (in Japanese of course) that we will be speaking to Nushimura-san (our investigator) again today @ 5:00.  I don't know if I can do this, we haven't learned how to say anything more than last time, and last time was awkward enough.  
 Love Again,

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