Monday, May 20, 2013

going, going, gone...

It has been a whirlwind around this joint...

Kolton finished his first year of college on May 2.
We moved him home and promptly took off for Disneyland.  Which was completely awesome.
There is nothing like the Happiest Place on Earth to distract you.

We had a great time together.  And Cars Land? Ahh-mazing!

Then, we had to come home....

Just outside of Las Vegas, our trusty blue Odyssey, who has happily accompanied us on many, many adventures, decided that she wanted to retire in a warm and sunny clime.

And, so she just stopped.

Which is highly inconvenient at the best of times.
But, with Kolton leaving in three days,  it could have been a disaster.

So, we calmly journeyed to the Enterprise Rent a Car across the road from the mechanic, told our van to enjoy her spa week in Las Vegas, and drove home in our rented Impala...nicknamed "Paula" by Elizabeth.

The next few days were a flurry of buying deodorant and toothpaste (apparently, hard to get items in Japan).  Packing and repacking, going to "The Great Gatsby" (one of Kolton and my favorite books), and eating American food.

Then, the big day came...

And, then, he was gone.

I don't know how to describe watching your son leave, knowing that you won't see him for two years.
Knowing that it is going to be hard and he won't be able to give him a nightly pep talk.
Excited and happy for him...

Sad for me

Honestly, my emotions are still so raw that I can put them into words. 
 I know that he'll be a great missionary.
I know that he loves the Lord and wants to serve the Japanese people.
I know that this is something that he truly wants to do.

And for right now that has to be enough.
Love that kid.

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