Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

Yeah, I guess that it is that time of the year again.  This year`s Christmas will be a little bit different, I don`t know why I would think that at all though...oh yeah, because I will be talking about Christ all day long in a Japanese Train Station, that`s why!

Well, I am really grateful that I had the chance to talk with you twice last week even though the circumstances weren't the best.  I always love hearing your voices and I am really excited to be able to hear them again in a couple of days.  I am really excited to hear my dear sister`s voices because I haven`t heard them in such a long time.  Anyways, I hope that everyone has a great Christmas and we can talk more about your Christmas during our phone call.  By the way, Madisen, I have not yet received your package but I`m sure I will be getting it in a couple of days.  Also, about the telephone call, can everyone have some questions already lined up?  The phone call can only be 1 hour long max anyways.  

Well, to be honest nothing really out of the ordinary happened this week.  I did get to go on a companion exchange with Elder Fuchigami though.  It went well for the most part but he probably thinks I am really dull especially compared to his current companion, Elder Broeder.  We had the chance to talk with a group of 10 College students though.  The Japanese people always get a laugh of off me when I tell them that my name means small in German.  They just can`t believe it.  

The most interesting thing that happened within the last few days was the Ward Christmas Party that we had on Saturday Night.  It was really fun and you could really get into the Christmas Spirit there.  I will attach a few pictures of the Christmas party in this email.  We basically got there and realized that there was a ton of good food, a perfect situation for starving missionaries in a very expensive country.  Needless to say, we ate as much cheesecake as we could without being rude.  They also put on a Talent Show after we ate the food.  We got to hear renditions of `Poorwayfaring Man of Grief` on the violin (which reminded me a lot of Elizabeth because it was played by a young women around Elizabeths age), `You`ll be in My Heart` on the guitar, among others.  Elder Fuchigami got to participate in the talent show too.  By participate, I mean forced into it by the over excited Bishop upon the Bishop hearing his talent of playing the ukulele.  They, Elder Fuchigami and the Bishop, played `Crazy-G` on the ukulele together and it was pretty funny.  After the talent show, we got a visit from Santa himself who looks a lot like Brother Nishida wearing a Santa suit, white sneakers, and a fake white beard covering his real white beard.  I have a picture.

Well, I don`t much what else to say other than I look forward to talking with you on Christmas (My Boxing Day)!  I love you all!

With Love,

Elder Klein

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