Monday, June 3, 2013

Controlling the Space/Time Continuum

Hi Family,
Wow!  The week has just flown by.  The MTC does weird things to your head.  If I think that my last p-day was only a week ago, I think that the time I have been in here has flown by; on the other hand though, if I think about the last time I was doing anything other than this (by this I mean the MTC missionary stuff) it feels as though it was a lifetime ago (that maybe works metaphorically).  I was talking to all those in my district and they feel the same way.  Again, the MTC does weird things to your head.
To answer some of your question:s I want pictures sent through the mail, that way I can look at them everyday instead of only once for 10 seconds before I realize that I only have 45 minutes to write a letter.  No, none of my roommates ever took Japanese before, myself and Sister Maughan in my district are the only ones who ever have.  Sometimes it comes in handy when I can explain something to someone, or recognize a word, that someone else doesn't know.  But, for the most part it only gave me a headstart of one week, after that, it was fair game.
The MTC is doing better this week than last week.  Not much better, I wouldn't say even that noticably better, but I am trying my hardest to keep going.   I mean it is only at the MTC where they think you can start teaching in a complicated language about a complicated concept (say the Plan of Salvation) with an investigator (during TRC time it could be a real investigator) with only 2 1/2 weeks worth of language practice.  So, yeah, it has continued to be completely insane and I am really stressed out about learning the language.  I have thought to myself many times that if I was going English speaking there would be no reason that I couldn't explain the lessons perfectly, but, alas, I am going to Japan.  Don't get me wrong, I am completely thrilled about going there, but the MTC has a way of sucking out all of your joy about the place you will be going to.
So I saw a couple of Heberites here in the MTC.  It was fun to say hello to them and ask where they are going etc.  I even ran into Arlynn.  It was great to talk to her and see how things were going, but weird to call her Sister Robinson (just weird...)
You asked me to say a couple of funny things about the MTC, so here's something you might like.  All the books that they have given to us (which is a lot) all have names that the Nihon-jin (literally, Japanese people, but Japanese missionaries here) have given them.  So, we have books like:
-The Miagi-san (from the Karate Kid)
-The Ninja (a small little book of phrases and vocab)
-The Sumo (The large grammar book that no one ever reads)
-The Charmander (the MTC experience handbook, Pokemon reference)
-The Bulbasaur (a small green language card that pretty much has the entire Japanese grammar on there, another Pokemon reference)
-The Pikachu (a huge Japanese grammar book, another Pokemon reference)
you get the idea....
Well, later this week, I finally get to become senpai (those who have survived through the MTC for at least 3 weeks) and the Kohai (newbies) get to come in.
 So, I just got done with laundry, we woke up at 5:30 to make sure that we got there when it wasn't crowded, it was still crowded; but we have the rest of the day to relax until TRC (TRC is where we will teach a native Japanese person, they could be a real investigator, we are told).
We got some new zone leaders today.  They seem a lot more relaxed than the previous ones, so that is good.  As part of getting to know us they assigned us a task.  If we were on a quest what weapon would you choose and what power or skill would you have?  We all took a full hour to decide on our answers.  Some such answers in our district were:
Weapons                                                    Superpower
A paperclip                                                 The mind of McGyver                         (Elder Graff)
A warhammer                                            The ability to jump crazy far              (Elder Steers)
Claws in my hand                                       Regeneration                                    (Elder Baldwin, basically Wolverine)
An infinite super mario star                Ability to conjure food                         (Sister Anderson)
The scriptures                                             The priesthood                     (Elder Bedwell, there's always is one, right?)
Red rider BB gun with a compass
in the stock and a thing which tells time       Control the space time continuum          (Mine)              
 I want you guys to know that I really appreciate all the of the letters, prayers, and love that you all send.  Though I may not respond to everything that you guys have written me, be assured that everything that you write I read.  Mom, don't get to worried about Girl's Camp, soon enough you will be there and have a great time.  Dad, I don't know where you are going to put a giant TV into that little trailer but I know that you are very creative when it comes to setting up TV's.  Elizabeth, try not to make Mom and Dad insane this summer and I am thinking about you all the time and I know how hard it was not to get into student government, but have a great summer none the less!  Madisen and Vic, it sounds like memorial day was a blast and I wish I was there with everyone!  I read all the letters just an hour is not enough time to write everything that I want to say.
  There still is not a day that goes by without myself thinking: I can't do this, I have to get out of here.  I try to ignore that voice, sometimes it is easier to do that than other times, but I keep going none-the-less.  The language is brutal.  I don't know what I was learning in High School, but it wasn't the same Japanese that I am learning here.  I try to learn something new everyday and that is all that I can do. 
Madisen, know that your scripture that you have marked has helped me so much.  Luke 1:37, I maybe miss quoting it but it says "For with God, nothing shall be made impossible." And as Walt Disney said "It is kinda fun to do the impossible."
I try to keep going.  I try to keep paddling that boat, even though my oar is broken; even though I am suddenly made captain of my crew; even though our ship smells like dirty laundry 6 days of the week; even though sometimes my shipmates can be loud and annoying; even though I can't go to the bathroom without letting everyone know about it; even though it seems as though we will never make it to our destination; even though the waters ahead will be rough and filled with dark nights and thick fog; even though I doubt myself frequently and want to swim back to the shore while it is still insight -  I keep paddling.
   I think that the great men and women are defined not by what was happening to them, but what they choose to do.  Those great men and women all had the chance to give up on a task that seems hopeless and impossible, but they kept going none-the-less, they kept fighting for what they choose to do, act on the goodness that is still in this world today.  That is something that is worth fighting for.

Know that I love you all with my entire heart and soul.  That you are always in my thoughts and prayers (in Japanese, I might add).
I love you all and know that you will never understand how deep my love is for you all!  Take care!
 With Love,
 Klein-choro (Elder Klein)

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