Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The dirty

Hello family,

Hope that everything is doing well this week.  It sounds like everything is going on as normal in Utah.  I'm glad that the Utes beat BYU, that was really good to hear.  So Parker ready to leave for the MTC, wow! I guess that time flies.  Jade Gillman was sent to Los Angeles?  I love Los Angeles, but I don't know how much he will love it, I think he might really miss his past mission (Mexico, right?).  It sounds like Elizabeth is starting to get in the full swing of things.  School, classes, violin, dancing, watching movies, etc.  It sounds like fun, but I hope that you are feeling better, Mom told me that you are feeling a little sick.  It is also really great that you are becoming good friends with Kate.  I know that you have had a little bit of rough spots with your friends the last couple of months, so it is great for an older brother to hear that you are making good friends.

So, you had the sister missionaries over, Elizabeth tells me.  So how are they?  What did they teach you? Were they both native English speakers or was one or both of them learning English?

Thank you for sending an email to Zinke kaicho.  It really helps me a lot to know that you did that for me.  You also told me that he is willing to meet with me for as long as necessary.  So, I am glad that I won't have to feel any pressure about eating up his time.

Thank you for also sending the package.  It will be great if it will be waiting for me in Kobe when I go there tomorrow.  I hope that it and the things that I ordered through the mission office 9 weeks ago will also be there.  I am so sick of waiting for my small PMG, Japanese hymn book, and small Japanese Triple Combination.  But, they are swamped with new missionary stuff, so I guess that I can understand.

One of the Zone leaders and an AP came this week.  It was alright to talk to them, but the AP was really concerned about me.  He might have received an assignment from Zinke kaicho to see how I am doing.  He even pulled me aside to ask if I am doing alright.  I told him, `No, I am not alright.`  I guess he told Zinke kaicho about that, because right after that happened he went into the hall and spoke in English to someone over the phone.

After District meeting, it was time for us to go out to eat.  The Omihachiman missionaries felt like they needed to go home, so it was me, Elder Yamamoto, Juyo missionaries, and the AP and Zone leaders.  We decided to go eat at the Dirty.  I guess that I haven`t talked about The Dirty yet in my emails.  So, there is a restaurant that is famous throughout Japan that is in our area.  I don`t know what it is called in Japanese, but among missionaries it is called The Dirty.  It is really cheap, really good food, especially for missionaries, like 700 Yen, which is dirt cheap for eating out in Japan.  More food than you can handle, which is also really rare in Japan.  I got Katsudon, you might look that up on Google, but it was really good.  There are two requirements if you eat at The Dirty though.  1) You have to have had your Tetanus shots. 2) You MUST NOT look into the kitchen.  It is one of those places that it is better if you don`t know how your food is being prepared.  They love missionaries so much there that they give us 2 snowcones that are 2 feet high.

the dirty

So last P-Day, I took the lead in finding somewhere cool to visit.  I decided to go to a really famous temple in Japan called Ishiyamadera.  It costs 500 Yen to get in, though.  I don't think that Elder Yamamoto was to happy about that, but I was persistent in going.  We got in and found that half of the temple grounds were in really bad condition because of the typhoon.  Nevertheless, it was really cool.  I have pictures.  The one thing that Ishiyamadera temple is really famous for is that it was the spot where The Tale of Genji was written over 1000 years ago.  Really cool to see that along with the everything else that was there.  It consisted of a bunch of different shrines and temples scattered along the grounds.

Speaking of the typhoon, yes, we had to ride in the rain.  It was crazy!  But, we needed to get back to our apartment as soon as possible and we couldn`t wait it out because the typhoon had just begun.  Luckily, I had my rain gear on me, so I didn`t get soaked beyond measure.

As far as eating goes...I have been eating more this week and I have already eaten your package.  I want to say that I paced myself, but at the taste of Resses to my lips, I couldn`t resist myself.  I haven`t been eating much because I can`t really buy the ingredients to make the things I do know how to make and I don`t know how to make Japanese food.  I have been eating, but it isn`t fun.  I don`t enjoy eating anymore.  I have to force myself to eat things.

As far as how things went this week, it was pretty bad again.  It seems to get worse each week.  I have had moments in my life in which I was feeling really stressed and down, but this is the first time that it has been going on for so long.  I run through my day with it feeling like an eternity and having moments of the day where I feel like I can`t take it anymore.  I really don`t feel like I can talk to anyone about this other than Zinke kaicho.   I can`t wait to finally let everything out.  I have just bottled everything up since I got here.  I have felt like there was nobody who wanted to listen to me. I look forward to laying everything out on the table tomorrow.  I will see what happens.

I love you all and for your emails.  I love you all beyond words and I thank you for being so loving and supporting of me.  I know that you all have supported me so much and that you have prayed for me, and thought of me so much.  Thank you.  I know that I haven`t been the funniest person to write to lately.  I really am sorry for that.  Please forgive me.

With all the Love,

Elder Klein

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