Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We have been SO GOOD!

Hi Family!

How is it going!  Another week has passed by, this one seemed especially fast, though.

Well I guess I will answer a couple of things before I get started:

-The Missionaries.  There are so many missionaries now in the MTC.  When I first got here, there wasn't too many missionaries so it wasn't a bother when you are in, for instance, the cafeteria.  But, now, the cafeteria is absolutely crowded, with barely enough room for everyone to have a seat for meal time.  You can really tell who is eighteen and who is older, though.  Granted, sometimes you cannot tell and that is the way it is supposed to be, but most of the time you can pick out the missionaries who have just come out of High School so easily.  Again, exceptions, but a general rule.

-The Food.  When I first got here, I thought that the food was ok.  I thought that it was like any other all-you- can eat restaurant - miles and miles of medicore food.  I was ok with that.  It is strange, however, that if you eat the same meals every single week, it starts to get a little dull.  I have also noticed that as the amount of missionaries in the MTC has increased, the food has gotten drastically more pitifull.  I think I see why though.

-The Classes.  They are going well.  I don't know if I have told you, but we have had 6 senseis while in the MTC.  We have had:  Brindley, Vialobos, Todd, Osaka, Peherson, and Seito sensei.  We are like the little orphan district, no body really wants us.  Well, actually, thats not true, Vialobos sensei has always stuck by us.  The classes, though, are getting down to the final stages.  It seems that everyone has resigned themselves to the fact that they won't be able to speak any Japanese once they get there, though.  It is a comfort, but it can also act as a double edged sword.  I try to study as much as I can.  I want to be able to do at least a little bit when I get to Japan.

-Yes.  Yes, I have gained weight.  Not all of it fat, though.  I am sure that I have picked up a few pounds in that category, though.  But, I have been lifting weights ever since I got to the MTC.  Not to brag about it but I've moved up from Benching 70 pounds, 10 reps to 150, 10 reps while at the MTC.  So, I've gained a little bit of muscle.  It is all because of Elder Baldwin's crazy exercise routine.

Whew.  There we go.

Your 4th of July sounded absolutely great.  I miss the days when Memorial Hill would catch on fire, though (even though you said that it didn't this year).  This 4th of July felt really weird.  On one hand, we got to celebrate a little bit, but, on the other, it really didn't seem like we celebrated the right holiday.

On the 4th of July, we started the day like any other day and went to all our classes etc.  However, at the end of the day, we had a Independence Day Devotional.  It was by far and away the most chillax Devo that I have ever been to.  They even told us not to bring our suit jackets!  The MTC presidency seemed like they wanted to tone down the Devo so as to not freak the living daylights out of every person not from the U.S.  I don't think that they did a very good job, though.  I think that we still freaked out every person not from the United States.  Anyways, at the end of the devotional, we felt like we were little kids being rewarded for being so good.  The MTC presidency said, at the end of the devo. that since we had been SO GOOD we could watch 17 Miracles, watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks, eat some Ice Cream, and stay up a little late (11pm/ Half an hour more).  Yea!  The fireworks were great and I felt somewhat normal for a change.  The 4th felt weird, though, because it was trying to be toned down so much by the MTC presidency that it didn't feel like the true 4th.  Oh well... In two years I can watch Memorial Hill catch on fire again..

So, you know how I told you about Elder Zushi (His name in Japanese translates to .... It is Good Bean Child... Haha Haha)? Well, he took off on Monday.  Even though we only knew him for a week and a bit, he was so awesome.

I need to take a moment to do a shout out-

Andrew,  Thanks for your letter.  You really made my day!  It was so fun to hear from you and what you and Johnny are doing!  I actually have seen Danny boy while in the MTC!  That is crazy though about our apartment.  They have always had a bad grudge against us.  Well, I hope that you are making your last days count!  It seems as though you are :)  It is so like you to just have the (the only word I can say as a missionary) courage to just walk up to her twice.  So dang awesome.  I really want to hear from you some more before you come into the MTC!  You really made my day and made me smile (which is so very important in the MTC).

End of shout out-

Vic, I want to say that I did tell the Elders Good Game straight from you.  They say Good Game back.   Don't worry, I didn't tell the Sisters it.  Thanks so much for writing me.  It really means a lot.

I heard about Jade Gillman.  Is he doing ok?  Do you think that he will be able to go back out into the field.  I really hope that he gets better.  Even though me and Jade never really saw eye to eye, I care for him and for the people that he has taught.  He must be really important to some of the people in Mexico now and I hope that he recovers quickly.

I am really happy.  We have TONS of free time today.  Usually, we have temple time, but since the Provo Temple is temporarily closed, we just have Prep Time instead.  I am so Genki right now.  Quick side note:  Mom, I really hope that you didn't think that my hair was that short.  In fact, my hair in the Worldwide Broadcast was actually way too long for a missionary.  I hope that I don't freak you out when I tell you that I have a way shorter haircut than that right now.  Sorry...missionary rules.


I will write them down below right now:

LV:  Salt Lake City Airport @8:20  on July 15
AR:  Seattle Airport @ 9:25  (10:25 Utah Time)

LV:  Seattle Airport @ 11:45 (12:45 Utah Time)
AR:  Osaka, Japan @ 2:25 PM on July 16


It is so awesome.  I absolutely cannot wait for Japan.  The MTC is great and all, but I am ready for the real journey now.  Even if I stay at the MTC for another 2 months I won't learn as much as if I went to Japan for 1 week.  I ABSOLUETELY CANNOT WAIT!



So, this means that I will call you sometime between 10:30 to 12:45 on July 15th.  Please be ready and write the phone number that you have decided I should call.  I don't want to try calling Dad's phone number if you all are waiting on Moms.  Please write the number too.  It seems like I have been in here for forever and I have forgotten most of my Gentile life.

Well, it is about time for me to go.  I love you all so very much and I am looking forward to going to Japan SO MUCH.  I wanted to leave 6 weeks ago, but, alas, they wouldn't let me.  I want you to read my favorite scripture as a missionary though.  It reflects back on what  I have told you a couple times - That even though there are hard ships, through Christ you can overcome them.  Please read 2 Cor. 12:10 for me.  I absolutely love that scripture now.  Take care!  Remember to love one another as Jesus loved you~  I know that that commandment is one of the greatest commandments of all.  Don't judge.  Don't hate.  Love your enemies and your trials.  Love one another.  I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!  Keep on writing, I read every one.  LOVE YOU ALL!  As they say in my home town.... Don't forget to be Awesome.

With Love,

Klein-choro (Elder Klein)

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