Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Almost there...

Hey Family!

Another week has passed by and I am excited that it is P-day.  I am glad that you all had such a great time at the Manti pageant.  It sounds like you are making full use of that trailer.  I can only imagine how happy you were, Mom, to finally take it somewhere.

Well, Mom, I guess I will answer your questions before anything else.

1- I love the Underarmor socks, so if at all possible keep sending me socks like those.  I did get the shirts and garments all right, so thank you for sending those.  The only thing that I might need is a good English-Japanese dictonary.  The one that we have is a joke, we call it the Magickarp because it is completely useless.  I don't know whether they will have one in Japan that I can get, but they sure don't have a good one at the MTC.

2- Yes!  Please send me a prepaid phone with the phone number that you want me to call once I am in the airport.  I am totally allowed to do it and it is no problem.  It would be nice to talk to you and hear your voices before I go to Japan.

3-  I might have to send a couple of things back home.  My bags were already full, and with all the books and stuff that they want me to bring with me, I will easily go over the weight limit.  I don't know what yet, but I will probably send some stuff home.

4-  I do not have my flight plans yet.  I don't get them until the week before I leave.  So, I still have 2 weeks until I get them.

5-  Yes!  I want to be in Japan right now!  I have been tired of the MTC for the last 4 weeks.  I want to get out there as soon as possible.

Well, it has been one weird week at the MTC.  We have seen General Authorities walking around the MTC campus for the Leadership Conference.  They cleared out on Wednesday, but it was really nice to have them here.  We saw Elder Cook while we were walking around, and we (accidentally) cut off Elder Bednar while he was walking to somewhere.  As for the broadcast, I am really surprised that you didn't see me.  After the broadcast everyone hopped onto lds.org and watched the broadcast again.  For the opening hymn, I counted seeing myself 6 times!  To help you find me I was in the middle of the congregation.  The part where they split the males into one half and the women into the other.  I am on the second row from the middle split.  On one of the pictures that they posted online, you can see me and Elder Baldwin singing our guts out.

Madisen and Vic, I am glad that you two are home (so that you can write me letters Haha).  It sounds like you two had an awesome time and I am really glad that you didn't get marooned on the island.  I am sure that both of you are really missing the palm trees (especially Vic).

It sounds like a lot of fun is going on at home, with Mom taking her trailer out, seeing the pageant, sprinklers, yard work, and Sophie mysteriously opening doors. It sounds like Elizabeth is working really hard to be a great cheerleader!  That is awesome!  Keep it up!  If you have the chance to see Ms. Kristen tell her Hi from me.

{6 hours later...}
Sorry, we did our laundry and were really tired, so we decided to not email until after the temple.  Speaking of the Temple, they are closing the Provo Temple down for 3 weeks for renovation, which is a shame. Today's temple visit was my last one for at least 2 years.  On one hand, I really love the temple, especially while in the Celestial Room, you just feel a great sense of peace while in there.  On the other hand, I am glad to have some more time to study.  On other temple news, Mr. Turner, my old Math teacher from Wasatch High, is a temple worker in there and I have seen him for 3 straight weeks in a row, now.  It is really cool to see people I know from the Pre-Earth Life (Pre-missionary life) around, it keeps me sane, even though I can't really talk with him in the temple.
This week, I hosted the Kohai (the newbies) into the MTC.  There were like 800+ new missionaries that canme into the MTC this week!  I only hosted one Elder, because I wanted to have gym time that day.  He was going to Los Angeles.  It, however, annoys me that the English speaking missionaries get the really nice building, 4M, to study in.  This week Danny-boy came in and I got to see him!  We talked for a little bit and we were able to catch up since leaving USU.  He told me how crazy the landlord was about our apartment.  I mean $20 for cleaning the dust off of the lightbulbs, you have to be kidding me!  Safe to say that we should look for a different place to stay when I get back because, while the people in the apartment complex were super nice, the management was terrible.  I am surprised that Skyler put in his mission papers, though, I didn't know that he was thinking about it.  To Argentina as well, same as Andrew.
Speaking of Andrew, how is he.  Is he starting to get nervous about the MTC, and has Johnny gone into Basic Training yet?
On other news, me and Elder Baldwin recieved a new companion this week.  His name is Elder Zushi.  He is half-Japanese and half-American, and he is by far the best Japanese language student at the MTC.  He has been in the MTC for 13 weeks now, he was delayed because of an unexpected hip surgery that he had to have.  But, now, he is going to leave for Japan on Monday, at 2:30 in the morning, and he is going to the Fukaoka mission.  He is one awesome guy and let me say that I cannot wait to hear his Batman impression (I have been told that it is the real deal).
Oh, Dad, have you seen Man of Steel yet.  The (forbidden) rumors at the MTC is that Man of Steel is supposed to be fantastic.  If you have, let me know, I like to know what is going on in normal land once in a while.
 I am doing alright...  I am getting nervous to go to Japan, though.  At the beginning and middle of the MTC, it seemed like Japan was far away, but now as it is coming closer and closer, I am getting more and more excited and more and more nervous.  But, all I can do is make sure that I am better prepared for it today than I was for it yesterday.  The language is, by far, the hardest part, though.  I realize that I don't have the unique gift of naturally picking up how to speak in different languages.  It has taken real effort to get to where I am right now, but I can always try harder.  I'm sure my Japanese will start really taking off once I get to Japan.  Can you ask Quinn how he felt like right before he went to Japan?
I love you all so very much.  Every day I look to you guys for inspiration.  Know that I know that you are thinking of me and know that I am thinking of you.  If we do that then our hearts will be close, and our souls closer.  Words on a tiny glowing screen can only say so much.  I know that I say these things at the end of each email, but I don't want you to assume that I thinking these things...  I want you to KNOW that I thinking them.  Each day is a struggle, a triumph, a defeat, a victory.  Each day is a new challenge, waiting to be conquered.  I have had my fair share of struggles while in the MTC.  You reach plateaus where you feel like no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to overcome it.  I know, now, that that is a lie.  You can always overcome.  Your help doesn't only come from those around you, or even within yourself, but also from those that you cannot see.  You cannot stay where you are, you must get better.  You must overcome. The truth is that there are no limits, no plateaus that you cannot overcome with Their Help.  Their Help is Divine, Their Help has been given unto us by the Blood of our Savior. 
Your prayers and your words convey so much meaning to me, that you won't know how much until I can look into all your eyes again and tell you.  As long as we continue to think of each other now and again, I know that our hearts will forever be close.  I love you all so much.  I already can't wait to write you again next week.  As they say in my hometown...  Don't Forget to Be Awesome.
With Love,

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