Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Turtle's Blood

Hi Everyone!

Another week has passed by!  Crazy!  It reminds me of my experience at the MTC.  The first week is the longest week in your entire life, the second week goes by eventually, and, then, as soon as you know it - it is the third week.

I loved your letter and thank you soooooo much for sending me pictures!! I loved them.  Your hike looked beautiful and it looks like all of you, including Sophie, had a blast!

 So, Hunter is going into the MTC soon... Tell him that it is okay if he experiences freak-out moments. You always have doubts about whether you are up to the task and whether you have what it takes to be a good missionary.  Some doubt comes with the job.  Just try and not to think too much about it.  I know that is hard to do.  I know that Hunter is a thinker, like I am.  You always have those `Crap, what in the heck am I doing` moments.  I have them every single day here.  Sometimes, I just take a second and laugh at the pure lunacy that is happening around me.  I`m in Japan - trying to learn a language I don`t know.   Talking about Jesus Christ to people that don`t want to talk about religion at all, let alone Jesus Christ.  Living with one other person and getting used to all their quirks.  Riding my bike in some of the most beautiful places that I`ve ever visited.  Seeing the miracles that come with people knowing who God really is.  Seeing them live a better life than you thought was possible - you see both sides of the spectrum.  You have those `What in the world am I doing` moments.  I had them right before the MTC, in the MTC, and now here.  Laugh at it, that's the only way that I have learned to deal with it.

As for the Fair Days, it sounds like it is typical Heber.  "I wonder what the next entry in the parade is?  I can answer that without the gift of prophecy - it is another tractor!" But nevertheless, it must be fun to get together with everyone.  Also, tell the Karate people 'Hi' for me.  I hope that they haven`t forgotten about me...probably have, but send my love nonetheless!

I can`t believe that school registration is already here for Elizabeth!  Crazy!  Then, again, my summer has consisted of being in the MTC and arriving in Japan, which is pretty cool (the arriving in Japan bit).  I hope that Elizabeth gets really good teachers!

The past week has been pretty weird.  We have just been trying to get Brother O. ready for baptism.  We have visited him at least 6 times this week.  I love Brother O. so much!  He is a really cool guy and he asks the funniest questions ever.  So, we were talking about the Word of Wisdom.  We were explaining that he couldn`t drink any strong drinks like Sake, wine, etc.  He said that alcohol isn`t a problem because he is allergic to it, but then he starts asking questions to Nelson-choro.  Keep in mind that I have literally no idea what the heck is being said when he is asking his question to Nelson-choro.  Suddenly they stop, Nelson-choro turns to me and said, in complete silence, `in the word of wisdom, is it okay to drink turtles blood?` `What!?`, I responded.  'He said that he doesn`t drink any strong drinks, but he has heard that in China, they drink snake`s blood, and in Japan, they drink turtle`s blood.  He is wondering if he would be okay if he drinks turtles blood'  `I don`t know...The Law of Moses has been fulfilled, so I guess you can drink blood...Just ask him to pray about it,` I said. Me and Nelson choro just had the image of a Japanese person biting the head off of a turtle when he said that though.  Needless to say, we died laughing after the lesson.

Brother O. just had his baptisimal interview yesterday and he passed! Yeah!  Just one more interview to go, he has to be interviewed by Zinke-kaicho by phone before it is all said and done.

As for the rest of the week, it has been pretty tough.  The language is as hard as ever, but I think you have heard that many times now (every letter), so if you want a refresher see my previous emails. But Saki`s statement helped me a little bit, though. {Saki is the cutest Japanese girl that is married to my friend, Kris', son, Taylor.  She has been in the US for a year.  When Taylor asked how Kolton was doing, I told him that he was struggling through the language.  Saki, then, spoke up and said "I have been here a year and still can't speak English! Learning another language is so hard"}
     It has been pretty hard with appointments too.  It seems like every single appointment that we have falls through.  It is so annoying.  So, after our appointments fall through, we just street and house.  I don`t like both for different reasons.  In streeting people, the weather is so dang hot all the time.  I feel like I`m going to have a heat stroke.  Housing, I just get kekoed a lot (a Japanese phrase which is `I`m fine, don`t bother me` then they shut the door in your face)  It just gets to you after hearing it 1000 times a day.  But, yeah, it's tough.  But, 2 Cor. 12:10

Well, today, so far, we have just played soccer with one of our investigators, Brother J.P.  He is a Peruvian 16 year old high school student.  His mom is a recent convert and doesn`t speak any Japanese really.  Oh yeah!  Last Friday, we went to Brother J.P.`s mothers birthday party.  They showed up way late and I couldn`t talk to anyone but the young people - because they knew Japanese.  They headed to Costco for pizza and cake, though.  I was really excited to eat some Costco cake, but, alas, they didn`t buy it.  Dang, I miss that cake.  I will attach a picture of me, Nelson choro, and Brother J.P.
 He still looks sweaty.  Could it be that Japan is hot & humid?

Please let me know what types of things you want me to talk about in my letters.  Please tell me what pictures you want me to take and send.  Please continue writing awesome emails and sending me pictures, they are literally the best thing ever!

Alright, it is time for me to head.  We need to buy food and do some shopping.  I love you all so very m
much.  You don`t know how much I love you all!  I`ll talk to all of you again next week!  God be with you.   Love you!

With Much Love,

Klein choro (Elder Klein)

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